Descrizione banche? Da togliere?
Descrizione banche? Da togliere?
Descrizione banche? Da togliere?
Descrizione banche? Da togliere?
Descrizione banche? Da togliere?
C-Global can carry out all core activities of the back office area of payment systems, also providing expert and specialist advisory services. The services are provided integrating the specific activities given by the “service” to accounting and specialist balancing operations, without ever neglecting logistics, storage and transportation.
Specific focus and expertise are dedicated to the banking sector, with full coverage of the entire perimeter of service activities/areas. C-Global can manage all traditional branch activities (bank cheques, transfers, debit and credit cards, bills portfolio, Customer data base, check of Interbank business, F23/F24 payment forms, Italian National Social Security Institute (INPS), interbank network and utilities), directly operating on the bank's information system and relieving branch staff of a series of purely operating activities, to allow such staff to focus more on relations and commercial activities, thus obviously optimizing resources and work.
C-Global management includes, in addition to a first data entry activity, the implementation of an accounting, balancing and control phase, without neglecting logistics, storage and transportation. Specialist and expert advisory services can also be provided.
Activities dedicated to Banks that provide collection services to public Bodies. In this field, C-Global can take charge of the full processing of the payment documents coming from the single Bodies and going to different Bodies or to employees, as well as of the management of these on several IT platforms available on the market. Specifically, C-Global can carry out the following:
The strong point of this service is the ability to provide wide and flexible management solutions, flexibility and adaptability to the Customer's information service, thanks to the experience accrued on many different procedures; with this attitude an internal procedure has been developed which allows data to be loaded online.
Outsourcing this service allows Banks – especially those that are strongly rooted in a specific area – to focus on commercial activities only, on relations with the single Bodies and with the community.